from people I've coached

catherine andrews

executive coach

“Catherine’s highly empathetic approach gave me the space I needed to work through recent tough professional experiences to find myself again and reconnect with my values and strengths.”


Director of Marketing & Communications

“I greatly valued my coaching sessions with Catherine. The professional outcome of this was that during the period of coaching I was able to transition into a new industry and role. This had been an aspiration for some time and the coaching sessions helped to focus my approach and importantly to be clear on my personal and professional goals.”


Chief Delivery Officer, Nonprofit Tech Startup

“Catherine is excellent at ‘holding space’ with you in order to help you process complex situations. The questions she asks and the summaries she reflects back to you helps you move on in your thinking. I left the session feeling heard but also with action points and a clarity which I found super helpful and empowering.
After 6 sessions I was more aware of my strengths and prepared for the challenges, and more able to make decisions that work for me as well as the organisation. I’m truly grateful.”


CEO, National Charity

“In my work with Catherine, I have become more aware of the need to tap into my intuition and my heart rather than be driven from my head only. This has involved uniting the different parts of me rather than relying predominantly on one part. The coaching work has been most beneficial to me in creating a safe place to explore the work that I wanted to do and for Catherine to challenge me and reflect back to me what she was hearing at a deeper level than I could see for myself. If I had to describe Catherine as a coach in three words I would say Catherine is intuitive, empathic and grounded.”


General Counsel and Wellbeing Leader, Global Bank

“I was fortunate to access coaching support from Catherine during the first months of the coronavirus pandemic. Catherine offered prompts for productive reflection as well as tools for effective leadership. With her warm style, careful listening and practical insights, I can recommend Catherine for any leader to help them apply themselves to tackle whatever challenges and issues they are facing with more means and confidence gained from time with such an expert coach.”


Chair, Global NGO

“Catherine is a fantastic coach; warm, empathetic, challenging and supportive. I learned a lot about myself, leadership, recruitment and felt safe to explore particularly tricky areas and relationships at work. Can’t recommend her highly enough.”


CEO, National Charity

“It was a good day of learning, Catherine was a very open and easy coach, and a great presence for the team day and I think that her neutrality was key here … Catherine was great and her warmth and kindness made a potentially uncomfortable day very positive.”



“Catherine did a brilliant job of designing and coaching a Zoom team-building workshop for me and my team which was expanding.

Catherine listened carefully to my objectives as the team leader and we worked together to devise the content for the session. She transformed the information I provided, creating ingenious preparation exercises for everyone and fun, well-crafted activities for us to do on the day in on-line break out groups and all together.

As a result of the workshop the new team members were able to be integrated into the group and to feel that their contribution was as valued as that of the long-standing members. The existing colleagues at all levels gained new insights into each other.

We were all left invigorated and with a clear action plan to support us in continuing to build on the outputs and outcomes of the session. Fantastic.”


Director of Estates, National Museums Liverpool

“I loved being coached by Catherine – she was a very reassuring presence, and conveyed her wholehearted belief in me at all times. What a great person to have beside me on my journey! We enjoyed the chance to think together about some of the issues I was tackling, and there were many moments of lightness and humour as well as times of reflection. Catherine used creative exercises to get me out of old patterns of thought, which produced moments of great clarity for me – and I loved the feeling, at those points, that deep learning was happening. Over just a few sessions I moved my thinking forward in leaps and bounds; sometimes the issues were knotty but there was nothing that we felt we could not tackle together. The three words I would use to describe her as a coach are: energising, passionate and challenging. Catherine really listened to me and was able to draw different strands of my thinking together for me. The insight I gained from being coached by her was really valuable and I would highly recommend her.”


Founder, Legal Consultant and Leadership Specialist

“Catherine’s ability to listen, ask questions and offer insights gave me a totally new way of looking at my thought processes. She has a complete understanding and empathy, as well as an ability to bring situations to life and explore how each scenario can be worked through – an amazing skill and one that has helped me make a complete change around and find the beginnings of a pathway for a full life change. I now feel trusted at work, I know that I’m really good at what I do and can ask for what I want, our work together has given me a big confidence boost, Catherine is an empowering, inspirational & genuine coach.

Working with Catherine has just been fabulous, I would recommend her and the process to anyone at any age and at any point in their life.”


Executive Assistant, Global Bank

coaching services


executive coaching

focuses on enabling you and your team to achieve practical results as a leader and can have a dramatic effect on organisational success and individual performance.

team coaching

partnering with the whole team to raise individual and collective awareness, commitment and confidence to catalyse change, growth, action and effectiveness together.

career transitions

offers the space to pause and reflect, ‘between stimulus and response’ to uncover what you want, test new ideas, reflect on learnings and set the course for a positive way forward.

coaching with outdoor intelligence

getting outdoors in natural spaces restores our attention, enables us to be more productive and more able to engage with the world & each other.