coaching services

catherine andrews

executive coach

coaching services


executive coaching

focuses on enabling you and your team to achieve practical results as a leader and can have a dramatic effect on organisational success and individual performance.

team coaching

partnering with the whole team to raise individual and collective awareness, commitment and confidence to catalyse change, growth, action and effectiveness together.

career transitions

offers the space to pause and reflect, ‘between stimulus and response’ to uncover what you want, test new ideas, reflect on learnings and set the course for a positive way forward.

coaching with outdoor intelligence

getting outdoors in natural spaces restores our attention, enables us to be more productive and more able to engage with the world & each other.

from people I’ve coached

"I greatly valued my coaching sessions with Catherine. The professional outcome of this was that during the period of coaching I was able to transition into a new industry and role. This had been an aspiration for some time and the coaching sessions helped to focus my approach and importantly to be clear on my personal and professional goals."

"As a result of the workshop the new team members were able to be integrated into the group and to feel that their contribution was as valued as that of the long-standing members. The existing colleagues at all levels gained new insights into each other. We were all left invigorated and with a clear action plan to support us in continuing to build on the outputs and outcomes of the session. Fantastic."

"Catherine's highly empathetic approach gave me the space I needed to work through recent tough professional experiences to find myself again and reconnect with my values and strengths."